Product Admissibility

Imported products are subject to a wide array of labeling, content and admissibility requirements which are administered by a variety of different federal agencies. The responsibility for administering and enforcing these regulations at the point of entry into the United States is assumed primarily by US Customs and Border Protection. Merchandise that fails to meet admissibility standards can be excluded from entry, seized, or even recalled after importation. Non-compliance with the rules of these agencies can also result in substantial monetary penalties. Many potential problems can be anticipated and eliminated by pre-importation counseling. Where penalty claims are issued, we assist clients in resolving those claims and in developing strategies to avoid future instances of non-compliance. We also counsel our clients with respect to implementation of internal control procedures as part of an overall compliance plan.

In addition to the import requirements imposed by US Customs and Border Protection, we regularly counsel our clients with respect to the import requirements of the following federal agencies: Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

A honey bee comb
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