United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), formally known as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) provides for duty-free or preferred rates of duty for goods shipped between the United States, Mexico and Canada. While USMCA offers opportunities to reduce duties on shipments to customers in Canada and Mexico, the eligibility rules are quite complex. Careful analysis is required to obtain maximum duty benefits and ensure proper compliance with the USMCA origin rules.

The Firm has extensive experience in developing compliance programs with respect to program eligibility, the issuance and procurement of Certificates of Origin and recordkeeping requirements. Our legal staff works closely with colleagues in Mexico and Canada to provide a full range of services to importers and exporters. We have handled numerous USMCA inquiries, audits, and investigations conducted by US Customs & Border Protection and foreign customs officials.

United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
GDLSK Professionals: