Product Safety

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) promulgates standards for over 15,000 consumer products, from apparel to electrical articles to toys, which are imported or sold in the United States. Many state legislatures have also enacted product safety guidelines, which create additional regulatory requirements. In addition to monetary fines and penalties, non-compliant merchandise may be seized, destroyed, and/or excluded from the United States. Products found to be hazardous after distribution can be subject to consumer level recalls.

The firm assists clients at both the federal and state level. Our attorneys routinely communicate with the regulatory officials responsible for overseeing product safety. We work with our clients to draft agreements and implement safety protocols with manufacturers and other trading partners designed to maximize compliance with these governmental requirements. We also assist clients with the development of internal control procedures as part of an overall compliance plan.

A welding tool causing orange sparks in a sunburst pattern
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