GDLSK’s long standing experience in trade matters and strong working relationships with DOC, USITC, and CBP personnel benefit our clients each day. GDLSK is your dedicated resource with the depth of experience that only comes from tested practice, and uncontested industry leadership. Our counsel includes assistance not only in active investigations and annual administrative reviews of antidumping and countervailing duty orders, but also in pre-investigation or pre-review audits. Such internal audits enable clients to adopt strategies designed to avoid exposure to antidumping and countervailing duty assessments, and/or to minimize prospective liability for such assessments. In some instances, careful planning can even result in increased market share after an anticipated case is brought.

In addition to handling antidumping and countervailing duty matters, the Firm’s lawyers have also been engaged in a wide variety of trade actions including alleged unfair competition before the USITC administration and enforcement of international trade agreements, Section 201 escape clause proceedings trade adjustment assistance and trade actions brought by the USTR.

At GDLSK, we maintain an active litigation practice in the US CIT and US CAFC, both challenging adverse international trade-related agency determinations on behalf of our clients and defending agency decisions in support of our clients’ positions that have been contested by opposing parties. We also work with our clients to enlist the assistance of foreign governments to challenge adverse decisions by the United States before the WTO.

Through the Firm’s foreign offices and overseas personnel, together with correspondent trade counsel in Asia, Latin America and Europe, we also provide support to clients involved in unfair trade actions commenced in other countries.

Today's Trade

An industry leader in defending Anti-Dumping Duties and Countervailing Duties cases, GDLSK was among the first law firms in the United States to represent foreign companies in seminal cases. Proceedings expertise is demonstrated through GDLSK’s extensive history before the Department of Commerce (DOC), United States International Trade Commission (USITC), Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), and Customs Border Patrol (CBP).  GDLSK’s specialized knowledge and expertise in the trade and customs areas enables us to recommend and execute sourcing, importing, pricing, and costing strategies that permit our U.S. importer clients to limit or avoid exposure to Anti-Dumping Duties and/or Countervailing Duties.

Minimizing the Impact

For those already facing orders, GDLSK has developed programs to assist importers in minimizing the impact, seeking to reduce or eliminate future liabilities. Our advice depends on the needs of the client we are representing.  If appropriate, we recommend restructuring of sourcing patterns and pricing models, as well as developing methodologies to avoid circumvention.  We conduct internal audits for clients who are concerned about their ability to participate in Anti-Dumping Duties and/or Countervailing Duties investigations.  If an Anti-Dumping Duties Order is in place, we recommend methods to reduce or eliminate future liability.