Industry | Regulatory Body | Client Location |
FSS-Fabricated Structural Steel | Negative Determination at the USITC | China |
R-134a | Negative Determination at the USITC | China |
PTFE-Polytetrafluoroethylene Resin | Negative Determination at the USITC | China |
Ball Bearings | Negative Determination at the USITC | Korea |
Circular Welded Pipes | Negative Determination at the USITC | India |
High Pressure Steel Cylinder | Negative Determination of sales at LTFV (less than fair value) through successful litigation in which the Cit/CAFC reversed the DOC | China |
Nails | Negative Determination of sales at LTFV at the DOC | Taiwan |
Tires | Negative Determination of sales at LTFV at the DOC | Vietnam |
Solar Panels | Obtained ADD rate of 2.67% at the DOC | Chinese |
Tires | Obtained ADD rate of 4.41% at the DOC; CIT has reduced rate to 1.27% (ongoing litigation) | Chinese |
Garlic | Obtained zero ADD rate in three annual reviews and successfully challenged domestic industry standing in multiple administrative reviews before DOC; decision affirmed by CIT | Chinese |
Nails | Obtained zero ADD rate in litigation at CIT, after DOC had assessed 78.17% duty based on total adverse facts available (AFA) | Taiwan |
Wind Towers | Reduced DOC ADD rate of 51% to zero (resulting in exclusion from ADD order), convincing Cit/CAFC that four factual findings by DOC were not supported by substantial evidence | Vietnam |
Honey | Convinced CAFC to reverse DOC/CIT decision of critical circumstances | China |
Ribbon | CAFC reversed DOC/CIT decision that separate rate should be a simple average of AFA and zero (i.e. 127%) | China |
Ball Bearings | Obtained three consecutive zero rates resulting in exclusion from ADD orders | Germany |
HFC-Hydrofluorocarbon | Obtained negative anti-circumvention decision before DOC | China |
HFC-Hydrofluorocarbon | Obtained favorable certification requirement before DOC | India |
Wheels | CIT/CAFC reversal of DOC decision that ADD/CVD could be assessed retroactively | China |
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