Case Results

IndustryRegulatory BodyClient Location
FSS-Fabricated Structural SteelNegative Determination at the USITCChina
R-134aNegative Determination at the USITCChina
PTFE-Polytetrafluoroethylene ResinNegative Determination at the USITCChina
Ball BearingsNegative Determination at the USITCKorea
Circular Welded PipesNegative Determination at the USITCIndia
High Pressure Steel CylinderNegative Determination of sales at LTFV (less than fair value) through successful litigation in which the Cit/CAFC reversed the DOCChina
NailsNegative Determination of sales at LTFV at the DOCTaiwan
TiresNegative Determination of sales at LTFV at the DOCVietnam
Solar PanelsObtained ADD rate of 2.67% at the DOCChinese
TiresObtained ADD rate of 4.41% at the DOC; CIT has reduced rate to 1.27% (ongoing litigation)Chinese
GarlicObtained zero ADD rate in three annual reviews and successfully challenged domestic industry standing in multiple administrative reviews before DOC; decision affirmed by CITChinese
NailsObtained zero ADD rate in litigation at CIT, after DOC had assessed 78.17% duty based on total adverse facts available (AFA)Taiwan
Wind TowersReduced DOC ADD rate of 51% to zero (resulting in exclusion from ADD order), convincing Cit/CAFC that four factual findings by DOC were not supported by substantial evidenceVietnam
HoneyConvinced CAFC to reverse DOC/CIT decision of critical circumstancesChina
RibbonCAFC reversed DOC/CIT decision that separate rate should be a simple average of AFA and zero (i.e. 127%)China
Ball BearingsObtained three consecutive zero rates resulting in exclusion from ADD ordersGermany
HFC-HydrofluorocarbonObtained negative anti-circumvention decision before DOCChina
HFC-HydrofluorocarbonObtained favorable certification requirement before DOCIndia
WheelsCIT/CAFC reversal of DOC decision that ADD/CVD could be assessed retroactivelyChina