Material Injury Investigations at the USITC

GDLSK represents foreign manufacturers, exporters, importers, and U.S. customers at the United States International Trade Commission (“USITC”) to defend claims by U.S. producers that a domestic industry is being materially injured or threatened with material injury by dumped or subsidized imports.

These cases are extraordinarily complex and require that an experienced team of GDLSK attorneys work in co-operation with industry experts, economists, and counsel for other respondents. Our representation includes drafting responses to comprehensive questionnaires, compiling and submitting factual information, preparing briefs, participating at formal hearings, and coordinating with other parties. Success at the USITC is required to avoid assessment of prohibitive ADD/CVD which may bar a company from participating in the U.S. market.

USITC cases are difficult to win and our record of success at the USITC is second to none. In the past 5 years, we have won more material injury cases at the USITC than any other law firm representing respondents. Our wins span many industries in many countries:

  • Freight Rail Coupler Systems from China
  • Fabricated Structural Steel from China, Mexico, and Canada (GDLSK represented the Chinese industry and U.S. customers)
  • R-134a from China
  • Polytetrafluoroethylene Resin from China
  • Ball Bearings from Korea
  • Steel Nails from Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Oman, Turkey, and Thailand (GDLSK represented Sri Lanka, India and U.S. customers)
  • Mobile Access Equipment from China (USITC decision was negative material injury, but affirmative threat, saving clients millions of dollars because of a later effective date)
Material Injury Investigations at the USITC
GDLSK Professionals: