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A honey bee comb
Product Admissibility

Petition for the Imposition of Antidumping Duties on Raw Honey from Argentina, Brazil, India, Ukraine, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Case Summary

Product: The scope of the imported merchandise that Petitioners intend to cover in this investigation is:

The merchandise covered by these petitions is raw honey. Raw honey is honey as it exists in the beehive or as obtained by extraction, settling and skimming, or coarse straining. Raw honey has not been filtered to a level that results in the removal of most or all of the pollen. The subject products include all grades, floral sources and colors of raw honey and also includes organic raw honey.

Excluded from the scope is comb honey or honey that is packaged for retail sale (e.g., in bottles or other retail containers of five (5) lbs or less).


Type of Action
The merchandise subject to this order is currently classifiable under statistical subheading 0409.0000.05, 0409.0000.35, 0409.0000.45, 0409.0000.56, and 0409.0000.65 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (“HTSUS”).
HTS Classifications
Antidumping Duty (“AD”): Argentina, Brazil, India, Ukraine, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Date of Filing
April 21, 2021
American Honey Producers Association and the Sioux Honey Association, domestic producers of raw honey.
Foreign Producers and Exporters
Please contact our office for a list filed with the petition.
US Named Importers
Please contact our office for a list filed with the petition.
Alleged Dumping Margins
Argentina: 16.83-22.60%
Brazil:           114.50%
India:       34.22-99.16 %
Ukraine: 10.56-94.84%
Vietnam: 207.08%
Additional Notes

A.  Projected date of ITC Preliminary Conference: May 12, 2021.

B.  The earliest theoretical date for retroactive suspension of liquidation for the AD is June 30, 2021.

Please contact our office for a complete projected schedule for the AD investigation.

C.  Volume and Value of Imports:

Please contact our office for a summary of the data filed with the petition.

If you have questions regarding how this investigation may impact future imports of scope merchandise or whether a particular product is within the scope of the investigation, please contact one of our attorneys.
