Petitions for the Imposition of Antidumping Duties and Countervailing Duties on Imports of Rubber Bands from Thailand, People’s Republic of China, and Sri Lanka

Case Summary

I. Type of Action: Antidumping Duty (“AD”): Thailand, People’s Republic of China and Sri Lanka; Countervailing Duty (“CVD”): Thailand, People’s Republic of China and Sri Lanka;

II. Product: The products subject to these investigations are bands made of vulcanized rubber, with a flat length, as measured end-to-end by the band lying flat, no less than 1/2 inch and no greater than 10 inches; with a width, which measures the dimension perpendicular to the length, of at least 3/64 inch and no greater than 2 inches; and a wall thickness from .020 inch to .125 inch. Vulcanized rubber has been chemically processed into a more durable material by the addition of sulfur or other equivalent curatives or accelerators. Subject products are included regardless of color or inclusion of printed material. The scope includes vulcanized rubber bands which are contained or otherwise exist in various forms and packages, such as, without limitation, vulcanized rubber bands included within a desk accessory set or other type of set or package, and vulcanized rubber band balls, but excludes Bedford Elastitags®, and bands that are being used at the time of import to fasten an imported product.

III. HTS classifications: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) currently classifies rubber bands  under HTSUS subheading 4016.99.3510, a number which the Petitioner requested that the U.S. government assign to imports of rubber bands made of vulcanized rubber. For purposes of the volume data provided in this Petition (in terms of dollar revenue), Petitioner relies on data from HTSUS subheading 4016.99.3510; however, the tariff number is provided for the convenience of the U.S. government and does not define the scope of the products manufactured by the Petitioner.

IV. Date of Filing: January 30, 2018

V. Petitioners: Alliance Rubber Co.

VI. Foreign Producers/Exporters

Please contact our office for a list filed with the petition.

VII. US Importers named.

Please contact our office for a list filed with the petition.

VIII. Alleged Dumping Margin (No CVD Rates listed):

Thailand: 28.88% – 78.18%;

People’s Republic of China: 28.38%;

Sri Lanka: 8.37% – 61.14%;

IX. Comments:

A. Projected date of ITC Preliminary Conference: February 20, 2018.

Please contact our office for a complete projected schedule for the AD investigation.

B. The earliest theoretical date for retroactive suspension of liquidation for the antidumping duty is April 10, 2018; for countervailing duty is February 19, 2018.

Please contact our office for a complete projected schedule for the CVD Investigation.

C. Volume and Value of Imports:

Please contact our office for a summary of the data filed with the petition.

D. List of Alleged Subsidy Programs:

Please contact our office for a list of alleged subsidy programs.

If you have questions regarding how this investigation may impact future imports of scope merchandise, or whether a particular product is within the scope of the investigation, please contact one of our attorneys.

Type of Action
HTS Classifications
Date of Filing
Foreign Producers and Exporters
US Named Importers
Alleged Dumping Margins
Additional Notes