ADD/CVD Investigations and Annual Reviews at the DOC
ADD/CVD Investigations and Annual Reviews at the DOC

Petitions Filed Requesting the Imposition of Antidumping and Countervailing Duties on Imports of Certain Corrosion-Resistant Steel Products from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, the Netherlands, South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Case Summary

On September 5, 2024, Steel Dynamics, Inc., Nucor Corporation, United States Steel Corporation, Wheeling-Nippon Steel, Inc., and the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union, AFL-CIO, CLC filed a petition for the imposition of antidumping and countervailing duties on the imports of Certain Corrosion-Resistant Steel Products from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, the Netherlands, South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The petition alleges dumping margins of 45.50% to 51.35%, with an overall average dumping margin of 48.42% (Australia); 47.0% to 99.5%, with an overall average dumping margin of 75.7% (Brazil); 19.1% to 51.3%, with an average dumping margin of 35.0% (Canada); 26.67% to 41.08%, with an overall average dumping margin of 34.16% (Mexico); 12.8% to 20.6%, with an average dumping margin of 15.6% (the Netherlands); 51.96% and 52.02%, with an average dumping margin of 51.99% (South Africa); 67.9% (Taiwan); 9.40% to 24.47%, with an average dumping margin of 16.39% (Turkey); 76.96% to 78.41%, with an average dumping margin of 77.68% (United Arab Emirates); 158.83% (Vietnam).  The petition identifies certain foreign producers/exporters and U.S. importers of the investigated product.

The merchandise covered by this investigation is certain flat-rolled steel products, either clad, plated, or coated with corrosion-resistant metals such as zinc, aluminum, or zinc-, aluminum-, nickel- or iron-based alloys, whether or not corrugated or painted, varnished, laminated, or coated with plastics or other non-metallic substances in addition to the metallic coating.

The projected date of International Trade Commission’s Preliminary Conference is September 26, 2024. The earliest theoretical date for retroactive suspension of liquidation for AD is November 14, 2024; CVD is September 25, 2024.

Please feel free to contact one of our attorneys for further information, including a complete scope description, complete projected schedule for the AD and CVD investigations; the volume and value of imports; and list of identified foreign exporters and U.S. importers.

Type of Action
HTS Classifications
Date of Filing
Foreign Producers and Exporters
US Named Importers
Alleged Dumping Margins
Additional Notes