Petition for the Imposition of Antidumping and Countervailing Duties: Urea Ammonium Nitrate Solutions from the Russian Federation and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Case Summary

I. Type of Action: Antidumping Duty (“AD”) and Countervailing Duty (“CVD”): Russian Federation and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

II. Product: The scope of the imported merchandise that Petitioners intend to cover in this investigation is:

The merchandise covered by this Petition is all mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate in aqueous or ammonia solution, regardless of nitrogen concentration by weight, and regardless of the presence of additives, such as corrosion inhibiters and soluble micro or macronutrients. The covered merchandise is currently classified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) at subheading 3102.80.0000. Although the HTSUS subheading is provided for convenience and customs purposes, the written description of the scope is dispositive.

III. HTS classifications: The merchandise subject to this investigation is classified in subheading 3102.80.0000.

IV. Date of Filing: June 30, 2021.

V. Petitioners: CF Industries Nitrogen, LLC and its subsidiaries, Terra Nitrogen, Limited Partnership and Terra International (Oklahoma) LLC, U.S. producer of the domestic like product.

VI. Foreign Producers/Exporters:

Please contact our office for a list filed with the petition.

VII. US Importers named:

Please contact our office for a list filed with the petition.

VIII. Alleged Dumping Margins:
Russian Federation:

Nonmarket Economy Methodology: Between 181.66% and 334.20%

Market Economy Methodology: Between 169.96% and 391.65%

Republic of Trinidad and Tobago: 158.81%

IX. Comments:
A. Projected date of ITC Preliminary Conference: July 21, 2021.

B. The earliest theoretical date for retroactive suspension of liquidation for the AD is September 8, 2021. The earliest theoretical date for retroactive suspension of liquidation for the CVD is July 20, 2021.

Please contact our office for a complete projected schedule for the AD/CVD investigations.

C. Volume and Value of Imports:

Please contact our office for a summary of the data filed with the petition.

D. List of Alleged Subsidy Programs:

Please contact our office for a list of alleged subsidy programs.

If you have questions regarding how this investigation may impact future imports of scope merchandise or whether a particular product is within the scope of the investigation, please contact one of our attorneys.

Type of Action
HTS Classifications
Date of Filing
Foreign Producers and Exporters
US Named Importers
Alleged Dumping Margins
Additional Notes